It’s Getting Closer…

Hello friends . . . grace and peace,

In just a few days, 6 people from St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Menasha, WI will be taking a trip to St. George’s College in Jerusalem, Israel.  Fr. Ralph & Cindy Osborne, Tim & Anne Peterson, Aran Walter and Terry Bomier will be taking a trip of a lifetime in order to enrich their relationship with God, to better understand the scriptures, and to quite literally walk in the steps of Jesus.  We will depart on November 2 and return Thanksgiving Day, November 22.

This blog will be updated daily if not more often while we are in Israel so that you all can see what is going on via pictures and videos we posts as well as make comments and ask questions.  Our goal is to involve the entire St. Thomas Church community so that this trip isn’t just a Ralph/Cindy/Tim/Anne/Aran/Terry thing.

Please keep this trip as well as those who are going in your daily prayers.  Pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit.  Pray for safety.  Pray for opportunities for fresh learning and new perspective.  Pray for the families of those who are going.

We will link this blog to the main St. Thomas Website as well as the St. Thomas Facebook Page and St. Thomas’ Twitter Account.

God’s peace to you all

4 thoughts on “It’s Getting Closer…

  1. Just curious. Is there a very specific spot along the Jordan that is the site of Jesus’ baptism, or is it just a general area that is designated?


    1. Tony, check out our latest post

      Basically, in 1994 a church was unearthed that was built in the Byzantine era (500 AD). Acheologist believe that the church was built on the site where the water pooled in an off-shoot from the river about 100 meters from where John the Baptist was believed to have lived. The church was built so that people could enter the church, walk through the altar area and then down steps into the river to be baptized.

      The river has since changed course (as rivers will do over 2000 years) and not that church is several hundred yards from the current course of the river. Near where you can go down into the river (where Aran fell in) is a Greek Orthodox church that was built in 2003.


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